
hagakure’s seen some shit


Birthday doodles for a couple of friends from the Puyo Puyo fanbase and stuff! SERIOUSLY, IT’S FULL OF AQUARIUS!

Top to bottom, left to right, they were for therandominmyhead, thatfelifreak, schezoroark and nostalgianinja. Y’all awesome, you know! Happy birthday, you guys! Sorry I couldn’t deliver most of these on time! >_<;

This video oh my gosh…. it’s like
Dog: I wanna lick your ear let me lick your ear. That looks good. (lick lick)
Cat: ….
Dog: (lick lick) Wow this tastes…. (lick lick) this tastes like cat ear. I am not going to lick your ear now. (licks self to get taste out of mouth)
Cat: ….
Dog: …..
Cat: Good.
Dog: …..
Dog: I wanna lick your ear can I lick your ear?
Cat: ……..
Dog: Can I lick yo—
Cat: Don’t even think about it.


Dog: So anyway I’m gonna lick your—